Monday, 20 April 2015

Quality time with Czech family

Being homesick always happens to students coming abroad to pursue their studies. Truthfully, I sometimes felt lonely during the first few months whilst I was thousand miles away from home and was not able to celebrate any special occasions with my family. However, it was a great experience and marvelous time to meet international students coming from various countries, and especially local students who are from other towns but study in Brno.
Undoubtedly, it was a real culture shock to find myself in Brno after arrival at a new place in Europe for the first time. I have encountered the language barrier since most people (apart from university students) used local language. Furthermore, some old people seemed to be cold, and the way they looked at me was weird, as if I was an alien...

Nevertheless, my perception dramatically changed after a warmly welcome from my Czech friends’ family. Firstly, there was a festival in my Czech friend’s village, he therefore invited some friends to join and stay in his house. I felt it was kind of my home since his parents were really nice and they served meals as if we were the members of the family too.

Krojové Hody Festival
A very warm family and beloved international friends

Last but not least, my tutor invited me to her house a few days before Easter. I felt astonished while her whole family was definitely curious about seeing me - a girl from an Asian country. It touched my heart when her grandmother welcomed me to her house, and she prepared typical Czech cakes for me and asked me to come and visit her again. Isn’t it sufficient to assert that not all the Czechs are cold??!!

With a nice grandmother who made typical Czech cakes

Lastly, I do believe that not all humans are the same. We should not stereotype people the first time we meet. We will not be aware of meeting real Czechs unless we have a chance to stay in the Czech Republic for quite long and spend time getting deeply involved with those local people. Moreover, I have learned many things after living in such a great place for over one year. Frankly, I am satisfied that Brno is my second home whilst international friends are my family. Hence, let’s enjoy the best moment we have with people around…J We will never know what will happen tomorrow…!!

Reaksmey Bunry, Faculty of Education


  1. Nice article, Good luck my pretty and clever friend :)

  2. Very nice article and pictures Smey! ^_^ :-)
