Or Just Another Story by Olie and Moe, this time at the Faculty of Arts and Social Studies
The Sun was shining high when Olie woke up. It was a good party yesterday, he thought to himself. If only Moe hadn't come so late from school… He missed the best part of it.
Olie and Moe were friends from high
school. They sometimes acted as one, but when it came to the decision what to
do after high school, their opinions differed much. Moe chose university life,
meeting new people, trying to figure out his professional path, and postponing
the dull image of a working man's days. Olie's attitude towards it was negative.
He despised all those book-carrying students who to him seemed to be too proud
of being part of the university world. “I don't like them acting as if their
brains have gathered all the knowledge of the world,” he was used to saying. Moe
usually ignored his friend's remarks, knowing that it may have been only out of
sheer jealousy that Olie couldn't get on with people who openly expressed their
fondness towards university.
When Olie woke up, he felt like
meeting Moe for lunch, so that he could have fun provoking him when telling all
about the party he had missed.
Moe's phone rang straight after he
got out of the class. It was Olie: “Hey man, what's up today? Wanna get lunch

It was one of
the first spring-like days after quite a moody winter time. Moe explained that
he hadn't come to the party on time because he got satisfyingly stuck at the
faculty with his friends.
“So you actually
didn't have any class, just stayed at school for fun? Why would you stay at
school when you have no classes??”

Olie hesitated for a while. He always felt insecure when being at the university ground – a place he did not belong to. Though not really delighted at the idea, he agreed since there was nothing better to do. Moe took him to the two faculties he attended – first the Faculty of Arts, then the one of Social Studies. He knew Olie would like it if being in his place. They were the same by nature, though deadly varied at attitudes towards things. As they entered the first faculty, they got through the outer building and ended up in the yard. Olie saw nothing of what Moe had in his mind – image of a bunch of students sitting on grass and laughing like crazy, or that group of weirdos who always played with a ball that looked like a ball but was not a ball at all. He tried to explain the atmosphere, but couldn't reach Olie's understanding.
“And come on,
man, it's just the end of winter! Where do you think people go when the Sun
comes up? There's plenty of grass, greenery, benches and trees… Do you know how
beautiful the smell in the whole yard is when these flowers bloom?”
“Moe, you speak
like a woman!”

can hardly put another person in his place, even if endlessly talking and
describing. Many things in life enter our minds through our emotional
perception rather than our rationality. We may be rational in class, but stay
fools when we get out. Olie's prejudice towards university students was unfair
and unjust, and he secretly knew it, but would never admit that he could like
going to university.
The first stop was at Krmítko – a
cafeteria with everything and anything, including good prices. “There are
several like that. I like this one, 'cause it's cosy and the walls are crazy,
look at the paintings… if you could put those pictures of yours together, you
could exhibit them here. And hey, have a look at those two… the one in the
white T-shirt is Veronica. I used to have classes with her…Her English is as
good as the coffee she makes. And that coffee, Olie, is damn good, haha!”
Okay, so they
have nice girls here, good and not expensive coffee, food, sofas and a big teddy
bear. Oh, and table-football. And club rooms. And there
is another place like this on the other faculty. And on those others probably
too. I guess it's not that boring when you have to wait for the class, but
“Look, if you're
really bored, we can go downtown,” Moe disturbed Olie's thoughts.
“Nope, it's okay. You
wanna show me anything else?”And so they went to the Faculty of Social Studies. Olie's eyes were not big enough to take in a wholesome picture of the main hall where some people were sitting at tables, definitely doing something non-scholar on their laptops, and some were even lying on those wide and high and wooden-like steps leading down to the other Krmítko. Moe sometimes mentioned some student's theatrical group that gave out ironic plays on how it works – or doesn't work – at uni. This must be the place then, quite perfect for a small performance. As they were about to leave the hall, Olie caught sight of some people sitting on sofas. Sofas in halls, tables in corridors, cafés at school… all a bit different from what he imagined.

“So this is why
you stay at school when you have no classes, right?”
“Yeah, combined
with people. They're not that big-headed as you think. They're normal people
trying to get a degree and pursue what they want. Same as me, and possibly same
as you.”
“I see. Same as
you and same as the future me.”
“Are you
“Nope. I'm going
for the degree! But only because you have those sofas…”
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